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Ari Cheren


1. What character in a movie or book do you most identify with?

Sometimes I identify with Phil Conners in “Groundhog Day,” and other times I identify with all the male characters in “Seinfeld.”

2. What do you do to relax?

I go mountain biking in the Santa Monica Mountains—not so relaxing while I’m doing it, but extremely relaxing when I’m finished!

3. Favorite vacation spot?

I spent a week sitting on a beach in Fiji a few years ago after covering the Eco-Challenge, where eight friends and I did nothing but dive, tan and drink cava. It was my idea of paradise…

4. Where haven’t you been that you’re dying to go?

Istanbul. Also I really want to visit more of Africa, see Petra in Jordan and spend a night in a ger in Mongolia.

5. What’s your next major goal in life?

To make a great documentary film on something about which I’m passionate.

6. Who had the biggest influence on your life?

My dad for sure; he has always been my best friend, and is responsible for my somewhat-warped sense of humor.

7. Favorite drink?

I’ve been drinking Manhattans and Old Fashioned’s lately; both made with bourbon, both very old-school and both tasty.

8. Favorite restaurants in Orange County?

I love getting breakfast at the Cottage in Laguna Beach, and seafood at the Crab Cooker in Newport.

9. Last major purchase?

New snowboarding equipment. It’s been dumping a lot of snow this winter!

10. Dumbest investment?

Fortunately, nothing comes to mind…

11. A famous person you love to meet?

Benjamin Franklin; he seemed like a funny, brilliant visionary.

12. Biggest accomplishment?

Making it around the world this many times (seven so far) without incident (knocking on wood).

13. What’s your biggest fear?

Not leaving behind something worthwhile when I’m gone.

14. Who is your favorite artist?

The Beatles; they left behind a body of work that I enjoy just about every day.

15. If you had to begin a different career, what would you do?

Automotive design; that’s what I wanted to do when I was a kid.

16. Secret most people don’t know about you?

I grew up in a hippie commune. Actually I think most of my good friends know that one…

17. Biggest regret?

Not buying Yahoo! stock during their IPO in 1996.

18. Your biggest extravagance?

Buying a new car every 3 years just so I can get the latest tech gadgets on it.

19. What’s your favorite CD?

The Beatles’ Abbey Road.

20. What was the best day in your life?

In third grade when my father pulled me from school to road trip in a camper from North Carolina to Florida, and we visited Disney World.


Need Motivation?


Just to let you know, I have never heard of Rosie Pekar, and I will probably never promote a motivational speaker again. But my good friend highly recommends her, so that’s why I’m mentioning Rosie Pekar’s “Deliberate Creation” seminar happening Saturday at UCI 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Along with her motivational work Rosie is a trauma/crisis expert and served with an Australian relief unit in Indonesia after the 2005 tsunami.  She is greatly concerned with what happened in Haiti and has amazing insight as to what needs to be done to keep people alive. UC Irvine Campus. Advance bookings will receive $50 off registration fee. 
To register go online to  or call 949.335.2251. 

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